AT&WB Podcast - Episode 32 - Michael Keaton Returns & The Crisis Continuity Cleanup - DC Fan

It's an almost exclusively DC Comics news episode with the biggest news being Michael Keaton's return to the DC Extended Universe. This brings up the return of other TV and Movie versions of other DC Comics characters in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event that was on The CW Network in December 2019. In this event they bring back characters from Smallville, The WB Network's Birds of Prey (2002), Burt Ward the original Robin from Batman (1966), Lucifer, Superman Returns and many other DC Comics shows and movies that are now folded into the same DC multiverse.
In fact, they go back to Tim Burton's Batman 1989 universe, on what is now called Earth-89 and we see the Batsignal in the air which, I think is shaped like the Batman Beyond batsymbol, which makes us think that Michael Keaton may return in a Batman Beyond type suit. Here Alex makes the Warner synergistic connection that Arliss from the HBO series is on Earth-89.
Michael Rosenbaum and his father John Glover are both part of the DC Comics family. John Glover is even plays the voice of the Riddler on The Batman Animated Series, which we do not mention.
This new idea of the HBO Max companion series for a Warner movie gets a mention with Gotham PD and Dune: The Sisterhood.
Zack's Snyder's Justice League Director's Cut gets compared to Richard Donner's Superman 2 Director's Cut.
Obviously we have time to talk the now HBO Max series The OC and how Ben Mckenzie should play Batman, but as his Detective Gordon character from the show Gotham.
And we find out that Batwoman grew up on a military base named after a confederate general.
All this and more on a very special Michael Keaton as Batman episode of the AT&WB Podcast.
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