AT&WB Podcast - Episode 2 - 5 Shows for DCU App, 1000 Minutes of Looney Tunes Cartoons, 1 Dean C
The Second episode of the podcast where "we" discuss the 3 live action and 2 animated shows premiering on the DCUniverse app, I dissect NEW Looney Tunes which is now old and Lois & Clark: The NEW Adventures of Superman which is also now old:

Warner announced recently that the DC Universe streaming service will start with 5 new shows, three live action and two animated. They first announced the streaming service will include Batman Begins, the original four Superman films, every episode of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Wonder Woman '77 and Batman: The Animated Series, not sure if the rest of the Bruce Timm Universe that fits into and spun off of Batman The Animated Series, but I sure hope so. Batman Beyond is easily the best part of all of that. The streaming service will launch with the live action Titans, which was originally being developed for TNT as far back as 2014, as well as the live action Swamp Thing and Doom Patrol. All these seem smart moves on DC Comics part as they aren't copying any Marvel formula. Damn straight DC, make your own damn formula and then drink said formula and then become a formula one race car driver driving you Nascar to the finish line first place! On the animated side of the streaming service we'll have Young Justice: Outsiders, which acts as season three to Young Justice. And then of course they are doing a Harley Quinn animated series because 90s kids love Harley Quinn.
Sam Register in a press release announced that this new iteration of Looney Tunes will be called Looney Tunes Cartoons which is appropriate.
Here's the list of Looney Tunes shows in the last couple years:
- Baby Looney Tunes - Duck Dodgers (More of a Spin-Off) - Loonatics Unleashed - The Looney Tunes Show - NEW Looney Tunes
Chris T Zeit