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Detective Professor Chiklis, MD

Detective Professor Sergio Chiklis, MD is the best cop in the Los Angeles police department, but there's one case he fails to crack day after day, decade after decade, century after century, his own murder.

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101 – 1929, October 28th

After a scientist jumps to his death following the crash of the stock market, Detective Chiklis follows a trail of murder leading to purr-der and then finally more murder.

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102 – 1951, August 25th

When a crazed murderer goes on a game show to win a fridge, it's up to Detective Chiklis to dress like a woman and save a woman.

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103 – 1992, December 20th

Professor Chiklis must save the belle from AIDS in one of the most controversial Chiklis episodes aired in SouthNorth Canada.


Featuring the return of a classic nemesis from the original Chiklis canon.

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104 – 1999, December 31st

After finding out his new wife has AIDS, Professor Chiklis quits teaching to become Doctor Chiklis so he can perform AIDS removal surgery.

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106 – 2028, Rentember 44th

When Donna time jumps forward 28 years, it's up to Chiklis to randomly walk into Kitmaster's time lab and save her before she saves Kitmaster.




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Copyright 2013 Chris Bucca Taylor, Full Dinosaur Productions

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